

Contents tagged with Level 1

  • Experiential Training in KNOWGA Yoga facilitation.

    i-SKY certified - accredited as a Yoga Alliance Professionals 200 hour Foundation Course.

    KNOWGA: Everything is, was and will be – the ever changing is our awareness of that reality.Kundalini is the energy of awarenessKnowga is a Gathering in awareness.Knowga resonates in the “space between”; it is in the innate awareness and alignment of body, emotion, mind and spirit; “Right Action : Right Reaction”

    This 200+ hour KNOWGA Yoga Facilitation course comprises online/in person instruction, lecture, practice and tutorial and additional home … more


  • Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - Bajkowa Zagroda, Warsaw. Poland

    International Level 2 Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga

    25 January - 9 June 2024  Bajkowa Zagroda / Poland

    We invite you to the International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (certified by KRI - Kundalini Research Institute) in Bajkowa Zagroda near Warsaw.

    The course will be taught in English and conducted by teachers of the British i-SKY school, in the spirit of service, acceptance and freedom, for the benefit of the community of practitioners.

    Lively, direct contact with charismatic teachers in an intimate group that allows for safety and, at the same time, a very deep understanding … ...

    Find out more and book