

Our New Era

Posted in ReadNOW

The Spring Equinox gives us the opportunity to ask the question: who am I and what is my place in the world in the coming era? We need to let go of what it was and so take full responsibility for what is happening in our lives now. No speculating what might be happening in the future, that only fragments us and as a result we loose our centre. We can create and accept change and let go of what is no longer serving us, as we surrender to life's flow but we must choose that to enable it. Nature has become unpredictable, and because we are a part of nature, we are also feeling this unpredictability, which makes it even harder to know what is going to happen next so don’t try! For some of us the future has become something to be feared, as a result it is creating anxiety and stress, that we need to let go of, if we don’t we de-stabilize. This causes eye problems as well as a loss of balance. For too many years we have tried to control and manipulate nature, but the extreme economic, environmental and social crises we have seen worldwide exposes our vulnerability and weakness and this is having a knock on effect, as this fear ripples out into the world. This can amplify any anxiety or worries we may be having, upping our emotional arousal that may in turn create black and white thinking; when we lose sight of who we are and all the blessings in our life, and as a result we only see the burdens, challenges and difficulties. Time to transcend and to accept the Management Upstairs promptings. Wherever we are paying attention, we are manifesting so we need to feel secure worthy and trust that all is as it should be and is well even if we don’t understand what that is right now At this time we can refocus our attention and propel ourselves towards the future and as a result our visions and dreams take on more clarity and form. Importantly, we can focus on a brighter, more successful realistic future as we choose to let go of the past, however difficult and painful it might have been, now is the time start again. Time to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and seek new horizons. It motivates us to start planting our visions and dreams in concrete reality so we can prepare for an abundant and prosperous harvest later in the year. Once we have done that we can safely let go and let the Management manage and the Earth Mother administer. Last year was all about becoming clear who we are now in order to be prepared for the next era of living. Now the energy is starting to speed up, as we come out of hibernation, the more we know ourself the easier it will be to surf this new energy that is flowing onto our planet. The key is to set our intention clearly. What do we want to manifest? How would we like to experience creativity? Is it appropriate for our age and stage and how are we participating with others? What is our passion? Only then can we get out of our own way and allow the universal energy to flow us to our next destination. It is vital we are humble, and that we surrender to a power greater than ourselves, so that we can let go of control (and manipulation) and become more trusting. The more we connect with the natural flow of nature, the more effortless and enjoyable the journey becomes. The divine paradox is that in order to feel in control we must let go of all control and accept life as it is and not as we might like it to be, while still trusting our dreams are coming true. We need to be careful not to become a martyr or a victim or to put our needs higher than everybody else’s, it is a must that all have equal footing even though our skills and experience differ. The negative critic, whether it is directed towards ourselves or others must go. We are all feeling a bit vulnerable and raw so we need to be aware not to over analyze a situation or become too critical of any, as this could lead to an emotional blow up that can be easily avoided. We start to think about the need to serve others and the planet any way we are able, then we will be propelled to take action in due time. When we help others, it often puts our own challenges into a clearer perspective and makes us feel better about ourselves. It is the time to celebrate who we are to become as this year’s model of ourself as we shake off some of the energy of winter. Let’s go for what we believe in and be the best we can be. We can also take this opportunity to face our physical and/or emotional pain, as this time is very powerful and healing if we allow it to be. Go deep into the source of the pain and give it a chance to be heard. Once we acknowledge the reason for the pain, it is easier to release it. The more open and receptive we are to seeing, hearing and feeling what is no longer an issue within the body we allow the still small voice of calm within to express the reason for the illness, then the physical and spiritual healing happen simultaneously. This is the time to release the victim mentality that has kept us locked in our past and so stuck in a rut. Instead make the decision to do something positive about it. We only have unrest if we have the desire to attack or defend, or we have the expectation of being attacked or we feel a need to be defensive for then we become hostile. To quietly speak our truth in a calm but definitive manner is to truly serve the Invisible world and the Earth as we re-negotiate and refine what is possible. Only then do we feel in harmony and in unity with all that is. Have a happy upcoming era and enjoy this year’s new model of who you are! When you do so others will be pleased to be in contact with you.

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