

Contents tagged with retreats

  • Judy Fraser & Darryl O'Keeffe paused SAcred Tours indefinitely in 2001 considering what form they might now take in this time of change.

    The "meditation templates" of several earlier SAcred Tours remain available for download as "virtual tours".

    These were originally intended for travellers to complete an actual tour at a different time to the group, and may still be used in this way, but increasingly they are now being used to deliver the energetic process within a virtual tour - without leaving home.

    Travel well. more


  • Retreats and Intensives are based on one venue. We offer a variety of affordable residential retreats often, but not always, yoga based, usually across a weekend. We also offer a number of longer intensive retreats/courses of up to a week. Our K1 Instructor courses feature popular and affordable open days or retreat weekends led by the students under the direction of their trainers.

    Holidays and Tours involve travel and fun; some may incorporate an "intensive retreat" element whilst others will be more relaxed throughout but all will be effective in offering journeys of personal … more
