

The union of the invisible forces to the known

Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Thank you for supporting me and my work throughout the last year.  May I take this opportunity of wishing you all ever increasing capacity to love and bring Light into your own life and the lives of those who surround you.

The digestion of life to date enabling us to extract the essence of our learning and to release effluent has caused many stomach aches and pains in the past few weeks.  We reluctantly are dragged back into historical issues to allow us to decide what to keep and what to ditch.  That’s required us to make decisions which some of us are reluctant to do.  Better the devil we know is not always true!  Not only do we choose to take a leap of faith to jump into the maelstrom of ‘not knowing’ but it also requires courage. Our insecurities from the past come back not to haunt us, but to enable us to keep up with where we are NOW rather than slipping back to who we were when we first experienced the like. 

We re-experience isolation we have experienced along the way together with feelings of inadequacy which will return into our field for us to update and thus enable us to move into.  This enables us to be who we are now rather than reverting to who we once were.  It often makes us feel impotent and inadequate rather than feeling excited that all is now moving on and reminding us that we now need to find our place within the groups that we find ourselves placed in now.  If we are rigid and try to control life as we knew it then it affects the base of our spine and our legs for fear of moving into experiencing more of the same.

The value of meditation and yoga is to enable us to ‘iron our brain’ as well as our body!  Certainly we will meet different reactions from others and this may bring dread, yet we have handled the past however unpleasant it may have been.  Now as we make the transition into updated circumstances all but the essence of the experience must be let go of.  Under the guidance of the Management Upstairs and the Earth Mother we can graciously move on, or we can try to hold onto the past.  If we are gracious we can explore what is possible NOW.  If we try to ‘do the past’ again we are not in rhythm or in life's movement so we get ‘lost’.  Everything is changing and is new, however old we are we can align if we choose to do so.  

The color and shape of our life will guide us, this will create a rhythm and sound and eventually takes an updated format.  If we try to control this form we are like King Canute trying to hold the waves back when the tide is incoming and we will get wet feet!  If we try to manipulate others and hold them where they once were they will rebel and give us a wide berth as a result.  To empower ourselves and others we trust them to do what they need to do without our input or our interference.  We care for others physically and emotionally for as long as is required and then we free them.  Their soul path is just that - theirs.  A friend reminded me the other day of a quote made by Dr Valerie Hudson years ago “If you want to be an eagle don’t hang out with turkeys”.

Through meditation and prayer we SURRENDER and let go as graciously as possible.  Then we start to think about how we want to interact with life from now on.  And what is possible and open to us.  To find out more we observe what is no longer possible or open to us, and we get real!  It can feel isolating and lonely initially and random thoughts can run wild.  We can overcome this through various methods.  Letting Light in, we infill and surround ourselves with white Light constantly.  We can take a gong bath providing the people delivering are in a neutral space. If you don’t know such a person the Tibetan Monks have recordings that can be useful.  Then conscious connection with the Earth and Nature will enable the updated form to become understandable in the fullness of time. In the meantime we learn to make peace within ourselves at this time of transition within ourselves.  Only then are we able to be at peace with all others.


Part 4 changing the age


Part 5  The future Education System


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