

Judy's blogs from 2013 to 2019 may also be viewed at https://judyfraser1.wordpress.com/

  • Time to join the ‘oh sod it’ club with innocence and awe

    This is literal in the sense we must be a part of the Earth and just as the sods of the Earth represent the solid stance  so as to enable us to jump into another dimension, we must go down before we can move upwards and onwards.  It will dredge up old memories, old insecurities and old pain,  but behind that comes the enchantment of the new, and a solid base from which to operate as well as new joys to experience.

    As we begin to let go of the past and welcome the new we start to move with the turning tides and shift into a different dynamic as a result.  It has required us to let go of all … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.



    Be still and creep into My loving arms and find perfect peace and contentment. Be not dismayed. Understand that with a tremendous release of Cosmic Power great changes are taking place and much re-adjusting. Things can never be the same again for anyone and you are now going through this time of change and readjustment. Learn to take it all in your stride and never be afraid of the changes which are happening. Simply realise this is all in My plan, that nothing has … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    Many of us have found the space to evaluate, review and revise who we are and what we have learned to date.  It was sometimes a turbulent year in 2016 with old paradigms being broken down.  This has converted into many more people being woken up.  We cannot use old guidelines as they just will not work.  We need youthful enthusiasm in the way we view things, yes we’ll make ‘good’ mistakes, adjust, reform, try to rebel but that is how we begin to find our way forward, and our revised roles.

    It gives us the inner strength not to give up as we keep going.  Keep on keeping on will be the mantra … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    We are ending a nine year cycle and at the start of another and we see this reflected throughout the world.  Any individual change is a type of death to the old and the familiar, as we give birth to the revising status.  It affects the individual, their family, community and so on.  Many people say when expecting their first baby “my life will not change”  Maybe this brings the significance of the Christmas Story to life in the here and now.  Life will change out of all recognition as anyone who has had a child will know, we are in ignorance and in denial when we say it wont.  Nothing wrong … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Be the change you seek

    And so change is upon us again!  We move in the direction of our current interests as do all others until we find our rightful places in the here and now as we let go of the past.  This month we have been tested in our acceptance of the Greater.  Nothing to ‘fix’ all is as it should be.  No need to protect anyone or anything, we’re being asked to accept and cooperate within the updated requirements.  We cannot change things for it is within the circumstances that we leave old placements and accept new ones and if we cooperate it is easier for everyone.  Nor can we ‘fix it’ for another person … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Finding our new pathway

    Keep Your Eyes Fixed On The Light

    Think victory, think triumph, think of overcoming. Raise your thinking; see the light shining before you and keep your eyes fixed on the light. All around you there may be darkness, but that does not matter as long as you keep your eye on the light and follow that straight and narrow path, neither looking to the right nor to the left. Keep on ever onward, knowing that no matter what happens you will reach the goal. The way may be very rough at times but be not daunted, be strong and of good courage. You each have a contribution to make towards the whole … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • The bridge across the void

    We hear a great deal about how teachers should interact with those who choose to study with them, also how students should interact with those who are giving instruction.  I have always believed that we earn any respect we are graced with.  But recently I've been taken to issue.  All facilitators learn to cope with temper tantrums, reticent folk, those in crisis or those who are grief struck.  We cope with being challenged by those who think they know better and so on.  The people who took me to task were saying that the lineage of people doing our sort of work should be honored as we'd been … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.


    This month we are being challenged to move beyond old fears we’ve inherited or created within our solar plexus and to reconnect to purity of heart.  The heart is the most innocent part of who we are and there we are free as to what we choose to trust.  If we were lucky as children we trusted our parents and thought they had all of the answers.  Later we found out they didn’t!  Have we been able to forgive them and ourselves for our naivety.  We transfer our allegiance from our Management Upstairs and Mother Nature onto our father and mother respectively at birth.  We perhaps lost our trust in … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Facing your genetic memory and choosing to upgrade yourself.

    Genetic predisposition. Could it be the reason you react to life rather than respond appropriately ? We explore the notion of cellular memory/genetic material and how info from the past is being stirred up through our current relationships and lives. Looking at life as a series of lessons. Instinctual feelings arising from the environment you're in. Choosing between acting out the old or upgrading to the new takes work. We are a global nation. if we are to get along, we are to learn how to incorporate each others differences and find common ground, perhaps evolve beyond our old stored … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

  • Finding the courage to honor synchronicity

    So a massive great explosion is taking place in the waters of life and as a result all things are changing and we’re getting ready to take the next step.  Demonstrated well in politics, finance, world relations and so on on the macrocosmic world stage.  But, also reflected in each individual on the microcosmic levels.  Now we face some fundamental questions which will need to be answered.  

    Do we work in the interest of ourselves or do we attempt to work on the behalf of the greater good?  It is so easy to fall into the ‘what’s in it for me and mine’ trap don’t you think?  As life becomes … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Latest post from ReadNOW

  • Our New Era

    The Spring Equinox gives us the opportunity to ask the question: who am I and what is my place in the world in the coming era? We need to let go of what it was and so take full responsibility for what is happening in our lives now. No speculating what might be happening in the future, that only fragments us and as a result we loose our centre. We can create and accept change and let go of what is no longer serving us, as we surrender to life's flow but we must choose that to enable it. Nature has become unpredictable, and because we are a part of nature, we are also feeling this … more

    Posted in ReadNOW

Latest post from Judy's blog

  • Trust the process

    Trust the process ........


    Now we somehow find the final push of energy we need to get to the end of the year. For many of us it has been a wobbly few weeks so this moon is coming at the perfect time to ground us, and help us to keep ramming through those obstacles and blockages.   The easiest way to is to surrender to the reality of any situation and do what feels best for you.  We have had illuminated to us that life is a mixture of both pain and pleasure in equal measure. It is up to us to decide which perspective we choose to focus on. When we can accept the duality of this thing and … more

    Posted in Judy Fraser passed away Christmas 2018, quietly, at home with her family. She will be much missed by many.

Latest post from ThirdAid

  • Making a new sound by Cumie Dunio Amengual

    What a gift to be able to look back upon a past experience from a new height of understanding and love.  This usually also means that any future reminders or similar challenges can be met with a much more fluid grace and ease - and perhaps even a smile, from knowing that you can handle it or knowing that it won't even be an issue.  My "knowing" is part due to the help from Judy Fraser and her Second Aid.  Now I can help inspire others in a tough spot by sharing my story.

    10 years can include many things...  In my case, they included divorce, a rapid move to a new continent, later marrying … more

    Posted in ThirdAid